Thursday, August 20, 2009

DCM 11: Lessons Learned

I had a great time at the Del Close Marathon in NYC. I watched approximately 24 hours of Improv. Amongst my faves where Code Duello: Hamilton & Burr, Mailer Daemon (happy birthday Unix!), The Upright Citizens Brigade, I Eat Pandas, Omelete, and Three on One. I Eat Pandas brought the house down in particular. I have a big crush on Heather Campbell of Three on One, Last Day of School and The Midnight Show now. She is very funny and fun to watch even when she was on the back line listening. I'm sorry that I missed Improvised Shakespeare but I know they'll be around for the NYC Fringe Festival. I further know that I will probably also miss them then too, since it's already started. I missed all of the DC folks shows with the exception of Bright Young Things and iMusical. iMusical made DC proud for sure with Jordan Hirsch basically stealing the show.

I will give a piece of advice to my future self and hope I follow it. Don't buy a sadwich (or in this case a "chicken wrap") then leave it in your bag while attending shows inside a sauna only to consume it later that night. You will get sick for two days. However, if you do do that, then eat a chili half-smoke at Ben's Chili Bowl and you will magically feel better.

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